ECE 200 Power System Analysis

The Power System Analysis course provides a detailed exploration of the fundamental concepts and modern challenges facing power systems today. The course begins by introducing students to the basic structure and components of electrical power systems, including generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electrical energy. With a special focus on sustainability, it delves into the transition from traditional energy sources to renewable energy, including wind and solar power. Students will learn how to model, analyze, and operate power systems, with topics covering load characteristics, energy conversion processes, and network components. The course emphasizes the importance of power flow studies, fault analysis, and stability assessments, which are critical for ensuring reliable operation of power grids under both normal and contingency conditions. As the course progresses, students will explore the challenges posed by renewable energy integration and variable generation, studying how modern electronic power converters and control systems play a pivotal role in maintaining balance between load and generation. Key aspects of power system protection, including balanced and unbalanced faults, will be thoroughly examined, equipping students with the ability to perform fault studies and understand the behavior of the system under abnormal conditions. Additionally, the course covers power system stability, including both steady-state and transient stability, and provides practical tools for analyzing and mitigating the effects of disturbances in power grids. Students will gain an understanding of how modern grids respond to various contingencies, from faults to renewable intermittency, and will explore the techniques used to maintain system stability and reliability. The course also introduces students to electricity markets, addressing the economic and regulatory aspects of power systems in a deregulated environment. It explores how power is traded, the role of load-serving entities and generators, and the impact of market structures on power system operation. By integrating theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, including sustainability and the transition to a low-carbon future, the course prepares students for careers in power systems engineering and research. A key component of the course is the focus on emerging trends in the field, including smart grids, energy storage, and cybersecurity, all of which are becoming increasingly important in the context of renewable energy integration and the modernization of power systems.




Proficiency in algebra, calculus, and basic linear algebra. • Understanding of electrical circuit theory, including Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, and basic circuit analysis (DC and AC). • Familiarity with electrical power concepts such as voltage, current, power (real, reactive, and apparent), and energy. • Familiarity with solving systems of equations, differential equations, and complex numbers (phasor representation of AC circuits). • Experience with MATLAB or other simulation tools is advantageous, as many power flow studies and fault analyses will use software for computational modeling.